About Me

Hi, Beautiful! I'm Ginger Marie and I am an Amazon Best Selling Author, Yoga & Face Yoga Instructor. I help people who are searching for a deeper level of happiness and self-love to find self-acceptance, power in their thoughts, and happiness in the present moment, so that they can feel fiercely confident and in control of their lives.

Are you feeling like you are going through the motions of living your life? You wake up, go to work, wake up, go to work, waiting for the weekend. You might be feeling somewhat down, complacent, or simply wondering, "Is this it?" "Is this really my life?

Trust me I have been there, and I know how you feel. 

I was working a job I disliked and was passed up for not one, not two, but FOUR promotions!

I would sit at my desk and watch the clock waiting for the work day to be over. I was wondering "Am I ever going to get promoted?" "Am I ever going to make the kind of money I deserve?" I felt a mixture of sadness because I was doing something I did not enjoy, anger because I was still in the same position I had been in for years, and resentment towards my peers that were excelling quicker than me. I knew that I was meant for so much more. I wanted to make a difference in the world and have a job that I loved.

I was battling fear of abandonment stemming from my early childhood and my dating life was not what I wanted. It seemed like every man I dated was unavailable or not looking for a relationship. It had me questioning myself and my sense of worth. I would wonder, "Is it me?" "Is it something I am or am not doing, being,or saying?" 

I felt like some of my friends were distancing themselves from me or were sick of hearing me complain, cry, or talk about being unhappy. 

There were days I would drive home from work with tears streaming down my face. I remember a specific phone call I had with my mom when I asked her "What is the secret to being happy?" "How can I find happiness now?"

Well, Here is How I Found Happiness!


My personal transformation started with making the decision to start seeing my own amazing Life Coach. I had received one of her newsletters and something inside of me lit up and beckoned me to reach out. Thank you Angels! I started seeing her because I was unhappy and searching for more out of life. I made the decision that getting by each day was not good enough any more.

At that moment, I made a promise to myself that I was going to be happy and that I deserved to be happy. 


The changes started immediately. With the right mindset and attitude the results were incredible! After spending time deepening my own self love, I met my amazing husband, Nic. I found a deeper love than I have ever experienced or thought possible. I got a job I was passionate about and doubled my income from the same time period the previous year. I found my dream place on the beach in Venice, California. I was able to travel to my hometown to see my family more than I ever was previously able to. I noticed how people began to interact with me more positively, and I started attracting more abundance in my life such as winning trips, receiving free meals, and prizes. 

What it really came down to is realizing that my thoughts create my reality. By noticing my thoughts and thinking positively, I shifted my perception of the world and learned to love myself more deeply. My relationships with those around me strengthened, I got rid of limited beliefs about money, and I stopped using phrases like "not worthy," "can't afford," and "don't deserve." 

It was during this year of unbelievable growth that I realized I wanted to help women, just like you, feel the way I do. My whole life I have had this innate desire to be of service but was not sure how until recently. Having had a few members of my family struggle with depression and other illness, I saw first hand how much happiness, or a lack thereof, can change someone's life. I am honored to be able to share my knowledge, gifts, and experiences with my clients.

I love waking up with a grateful, happy heart for the wonderful life I am fortunate to live every single day. The sky is the limit and I know that this kind of transformation is possible for you too. 

Are you are feeling like you want a fuller, happier, and more passionate life and don't know where to start? DON'T WORRY, I got your back!

Let's do this together. 

Contact me

To learn more about working with me, submit your name and email.

I usually respond within 24 hours.

I look forward to speaking with you, lovely!



Training and Certifications:

  • 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training YogaSix - 2023

  • Danielle Collins The Face Yoga Expert Certified Teacher - 2020

  • Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level One Innerworks - 2020

  • Spirit Junkie Masterclass Level One with Gabrielle Bernstein - 2017

  • Easy Writer: Guaranteed Amazon Best Seller Program with Vickie Gould - 2017

  • The 90 Day Book Group Coaching Program with Kathy Wheeler - 2017

  • Coach Camp Certified with Robert Holden Ph.D. - 2016

  • 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training YogaWorks - 2016

  • Certified Angel Card Reader™ - 2015

Personal Bio

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Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, I moved to Los Angles twelve years ago for a career in the insurance industry. I am a proud University of Dayton graduate (Go Flyers!) I studied Entrepreneurship, as I was interested in potentially owning my own business one day.

I have wonderful, loving, husband, Nic and two children, Seth (stepson 20) and Aiden (3). In 2022, I moved back to Ohio with my family and currently live near Lake Erie on the Eastside of Cleveland.

In my free time I enjoy going to the beach, reading, meditating, traveling, and site seeing. I am very active and love taking advantage of hiking trails and yoga classes nearby.

To learn more about me and my personal happiness journey, check out my book, Your Weekly Guide to Bliss: 52 Ways to Welcome Happiness and Cultivate a Life You Love.